TLC Assignment Library

Openly-licensed assignments that aim to make courses more inclusive and accessible, created by CUNY instructors
TLC Group Forum & Listserv

The TLC’s public forum and email listserv connects hundreds of instructors across
TLC Workshop Archive

An archive of past TLC workshop materials, including agendas, activities, and readings
Visible Pedagogy Blog

A weblog on teaching at CUNY, edited by the Graduate Center’s TLC staff and written by the CUNY community
Teach@CUNY AI Toolkit

Guidelines and resources to help teachers navigate AI’s impact and support students
Teaching the Pandemic Bibliography

Curated bibliography of readings, reflections, and classroom exercises from CUNY educators on approaches to “teaching the pandemic”
Toolkit for Teaching with Discord

Support and guidance for teaching with Discord, a group chat and social platform
Teaching & Our Dystopian Reality Podcast

A podcast exploring the shifting landscape of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic
Building Open Infrastructure

Reflections from CUNY Graduate Center faculty, staff, and students on ongoing work on open educational resources and open pedagogy
Museum Pedagogy in the Classroom

Curated bibliography of readings, reflections, and classroom exercises from CUNY educators on approaches to “teaching the pandemic”
CUNY TV Syllabus & Assignments

Guide for teaching with the vast catalog of CUNY TV shows, highlighing the unique potential of the CUNY TV catalog as an educational resource for CUNY students
GC Music Teaching Hub

An an online space that allows instructors to find and share teaching materials developed for music classrooms at CUNY
From my window & other places

Members of the CUNY community participate in an visual and textual sense-making project during the COVID-19 pandemic
Teach@CUNY Lexicon

The CUNY Lexicon contains words and phrases that describes course, university structures, and and labor conditions.